Note to Self

Just another weblog

Make Good Times Count

Remember that when there is a behavior problem, a lot can be solved by the quality of the time spent with the child when they’re being good.  Structure and routine can do so much to lessen other issues that arise.  I’ve noticed that my kids have fewer meltdowns and tantrums and just general rudeness when we are more structured and they are getting positive attention throughout the day.  It is also helpful if we don’t blow things out of proportion.  We need to be willing to forgive them and move on if we want them to be able to do the same.  If we have a bad morning, we can address the issues and then hug and remind our children that we love them.  Then we can change the activity to suit the needs of the children.  If they need to get out of the house, go on a drive, take a walk, play a game outside.  If they need some down time, read with them, play a game, or let them play alone for a while.  I love being a stay at home mom because it allows me to build my routines around my children.  I can often fix a problem before it gets too bad just by being here.

The same can be true for sleep and eating issues.  When Hy was fighting sleeping in his crib, we decided to focus on our daytime routine first.  (Having meals and snacks around the same time each day was the main thing we did.)  Then we formed a plan for putting him in his crib at night while we sat on the floor (not looking at him or talking to him) until he fell asleep, moving closer to the door each night.  After a few nights we put him down for naps in his bed the same way.  It worked pretty well, and when he did cry, it didn’t last long.  I know that it wouldn’t have gone as smoothly if we hadn’t focused on the daytime structure.

August 6, 2009 Posted by | Parenting | , , , , , | Leave a comment